Abstracts & Letters
- Epstein JB. Clinical aspects and effects of treatment on host parasite interactions of Candida albicans. In: Dental Research in the United States and Other Countries, U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health, NIH Pub. No. 80-450, Abstract No.3.0025 1978; 1-201.
- Epstein JB, Truelove EK, Pearsall NN, Sommers EE. Oral candidiasis, response to treatment and mucosal adherence. (Abstract) J Dent Res 1979; 58: 201.
- Epstein JB, Truelove EL. Clinical aspects and effects of treatment on host parasite interactions of Candida albicans. In: Annual Summary Progress Report 1978-79, Center for Research in Oral Biology, University of Washington; Seattle, Washington, 1979: 135-140.
- Epstein JB, Truelove EL, Pearsall NN. Oral candidiasis: The role of salivary antibodies and mucosal adherence. J Dent Res 1980; 59: 896.
- Epstein JB. Therapeutic trial of a sialagogue in humans. J Dent Res 1981; 60: 467.
- Epstein JB, Wilkinson A, Sheridan D, DeCoteau WE. Therapeutic value of Sialor in the treatment of Sjogren’s syndrome. Ann R Coll Phys Surg Can 1981; 14: 235.
- Epstein JB, Komiyama K, Duncan D. Oral topical steroids and secondary oral candidiasis. J Dent Res 1982; 61: 3487.
- Epstein JB. Accepted antibiotic prophylaxis regimen has been updated. (Letter) J Can Dent Assoc 1985; 51: 343.
- Epstein JB. Hepatitis B vaccine and AIDS. (Letter) J Can Dent Assoc 1986; 52: 115.
- Epstein JB. Prospective double blind trial of a topical anesthetic in management of pain in oropharyngeal mucositis. (Abstract) In: Proceedings of 49th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Radiologists, Halifax, June 22-26, 1986; 248.
- Epstein JB, Schubert M. Clinical trial of two sialagogues with potential synergistic effects. (Abstract #922) J Dent Res 1987; 66: 222.
- Epstein JB, Wong FL, Rea G, Stevenson-Moore P. Osteoradionecrosis of the jaws: Clinical experience and proposal for classification. (Abstract) In: Proceedings of First International Congress on Oral Cancer and Jaw Tumors, Singapore, November 9-14,1987: 93.
- Wong F, Epstein JB, Millner A. Topical bleomycin treatment of oral leukoplakia – a pilot study. (Abstract) In: Proceedings of First International Congress on Oral Cancer and Jaw Tumors, Singapore, November 9-14, 1987: 98.
- Epstein JB, Page J, Anderson GH. Immunoperoxidase cytology in diagnosis of oral herpes simplex virus infection in leukemia. (Abstract) In: Proceedings of First International Congress on Oral Cancer and Jaw Tumors, Singapore, November 9-14, 1987: 40.
- Epstein JB. Hospital Dental Departments Engaged in HIV, AIDS Research. (Letter) J Can Dent Assoc 1988; 54: 883.
- Epstein JB, Lozada-Nur F, McLeod WA, Spinelli J. Oral kaposi’s sarcoma in AIDS: Management with intralesional chemotherapy. Abstracts 5th International Conference on AIDS 1989: 190.
- Epstein JB, Stevenson-Moore P. More on head and neck radiation therapy. (Letter) J Can Dent Assoc 1989; 55: 960.
- McKenzie MR, Wong FW, Epstein JB, Lepawsky M. Hyperbaric oxygen in osteoradionecrosis of the mandible: The BCCA experience. (Abstract) Clin Invest Med 1989; 12 (Suppl): B85.
- Epstein JB, Sherlock CS, Greenspan JS. Hairy Leukoplakia-like lesions in patients without HIV infection. Sixth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, 1990; 1: 126.
- Epstein JB, McBride BC, Stevenson-Moore P, Merilees H, Spinelli JJ. Chlorhexidine gel lowers caries risk of radiotherapy patients. Dent Abstr 1991; 36: 172.
- Epstein J, Jones C. A comparison of the signs and symptoms of nasopharyngeal carcinoma and temporomandibular disorders. (Abstract 68) J Orofac Pain 1993; 7: 115.
- Epstein J, Stewart K. Pain in patients with head and neck cancer treated with radiotherapy. (abstract 69) J Orofac Pain 1993; 7: 115.
- Ransier A, Lunn R, Epstein JB, Spinelli J. Maintenance of oral hygiene using chlorhexidine soaked foam brushes. International Society for Oral Oncology Scientific Program and Abstracts 1993: 22.
- Epstein JB, Freilich MM, Le ND. Oropharyngeal candidiasis in head and neck radiation therapy. International Society for Oral Oncology Scientific Program and Abstracts 1993: 24.
- Epstein JB. Lack of risk of HIV transmission. (Letter) J Can Dent Assoc 1993; 59: 644.
- Chin E, Epstein JB, Ransier A, Le N, Jacobson JJ. Fluconazole prophylaxis of oral candidiasis in bone marrow transplant patients. (Abstract 2314) J Dent Res 1994; 73: 391.
- Epstein JB, LaLonde B, Mashberg A, Feldman R, Tyler M. Oral cancer diagnosis. (Letter) J Can Dent Assoc 1994; 60: 262-3.
- Epstein JB. Disinfection regimen. (Letter) J Am Dent Assoc 1994; 125: 502-5.
- Epstein JB. Orthodontics and TMD. (Letter) J Can Dent Assoc 1995; 61: 8.
- Rishiraj B, Chin EA, Epstein JB, Le N, Jacobson JJ. Analysis of Oral Flora During Radiation Therapy. (Abstract 1272) J Dent Res 1995; 74: 170.
- Epstein JB, van der Meij EH, Emerton S, Le N, Stevenson-Moore P. Compliance with the use of fluoride carriers in head and neck cancer patients with radiation therapy. (Abstract) Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1995; 80 :423
- Kolbinson D, Epstein J, Burgess J, Senthilselvan A. Temporomandibular disorders after motor vehicle accidents and the effect of litigation. (Abstract ) Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1995; 80: 424.
- Epstein, JB. Oral Cancer. (Letter) Special Care in Dentistry 1995; 15: 178.
- Epstein JB, van der Meij E, McKenzie M, Wong F, Stevenson-Moore P. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. (Letter) Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1996; 81(3): 265 – 266.
- Zed CM, Epstein JB, Donaldson, D. Topical Liposome Encapsulated Tetracaine Versus Benzocaine: A Clinical Investigation. (Abstract 1840) J Dent Res 1996; 75: 247.
- Chin EA, Rishiraj B, Epstein JB, Jacobson JJ. Oral Flora and Salivary Flow Rate Analysis During Radiation Therapy. (Abstract 1794) J Dent Res 1996; 75: 242.
- Chou L, Boustany F, Nathanson D, Epstein JB, Cassol S. A Hypermutation in env loop V2 region of HIV-1 Gene in Oral Hairy Leukoplakia. (Abstract #778) J Dent Res 1996; 75: 115.
- Epstein JB, Stevenson-Moore P. Dental Care of Patients Who Receive Head and Neck Radiation Therapy. (Letter) Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Endod 1996; 81: 506-7.
- Berean K, Epstein JB. Epstein-Barr Virus Reactivation in Hairy Leukoplakia. (Letter) Mod Pathol 1996; 9 (8): 869-70.
- Mathias RG, Epstein JB. Infection Control. (Letter) J Can Dent Assoc 1996; 62: 763-4.
- Berean K, Epstein JB. Correspondence re: Brandwein M, Nuovo G, Ramer M, Orlowski W, Miller L: Epstein-Barr virus reactivation in hairy leukoplakia. Mod Pathol 9:298, 1996 (letter). Mod Palthol, 1996: 9(8):869-70.
- Kolbinson D, Epstein JB, Senthilselvan A, Burgess J. Effects of vehicular impact and injury characteristics on temporomandibular disorders. (Abstract 828) J Dent Res 1997; 76: 117.
- Epstein JB, Oakley C, Milner A, Emerton S, van der Meij E, Le N. Toluidine Blue: A diagnostic aid for assessing the oropharynx in patients at high risk for squamous cell cancer. (Abstract 44) Oral Oncol 1997; 3 (Suppl 2): 11.
- Epstein JB, Onno EM, Roy A.. Latex Allergies. (Letter) J Can Dent Assoc 1997; 63 (11): 803.
- Rosin MP, Epstein JB, Berean K, Durham S, Hay J, Cheng X, and Zhang L. Pilot studies on the use of exfoliative cells to follow clonal change in high-risk oral lesions: does this approach predict risk of recurrence? (Abstract 849) Cancer Res 1998; 39: 124-125.
- Rosin MP, Epstein JB, Berean K, Durham S, Hay J, Cheng X, Zeng T, Huang Y, and Zhang L. Identification of clones of cells with putative suppressor gene loss in exfoliative cell samples collected for the oral mucosa of smokers: a noninvasive indicator of cancer risk. (Abstract P183) Environ Mol Mutagen 1998; 31 (Supp. 29): 73.
- Feldman RS, Mooney JW, Epstein J, Bainbridge TC, Allaire N. Trial of Toluidine Blue as an Oral Cancer Diagnostic Aid. (Abst #3140) J Dent Res 1998; 77: 1024.
- Epstein JB. The continuing epidemic. (Letter) J Can Dent Assoc 1998; 64 (10): 678-679.
- Lunn BR, Epstein JB, Le N, Stevenson-Moore P. Assessment of Oral Cancer in Extended Care Facilities and Non-Institutionalized Adults. (Abstract #O10) Supportive Care in Cancer 1999; 7:147.
- Epstein JB, Silverman S Jr, Pagiarino D, Lockhart P, Schubert M, Crockett R. Benzydamine HCL for Prophylaxis of Irradiation Oral Mucositis: A Randomized Double-Blind, Multicenter Study. (Abstract #O18) Supportive Care in Cancer 1999; 7:149.
- Bellm L, Epstein JB, Rose-Ped A, Fuchs H, Martins P. Evaluation of Acceptability of Topical Oral Preparations of Varying Viscosity in Patients who Received Myeloablative Therapy for the Treatment of Cancer. (Abstract #P62) Supportive Care in Cancer 1999; 7:160.
- Sonis S, Eilers J, Epstein JB, LeVeque F, Liggett W, Mulagha M, Peterson D, Rose A, Schubert M, Spijkervet F, Wittes J. Validation of a New Scoring System for Assessment of Clinical Trials Research of Oral Mucositis Induced by Radiation or Chemotherapy. (Abstract #P66) Supportive Care in Cancer 1999; 7:161.
- Epstein JB, Berean K, Poh CF, Rosin MP, Zhang L. Verrucous Hyperplasias/Carcinomas in multiple members of a family. Annual Meeting of the International Association of Dental Research, 1999. (Abstract #2758). J Dent Res 1999;78:450.
- Rosin MP, Epstein J, Berean K, Durham S, Hay J, Knowling M, Cheng X, Morrison M, Poh CF, Zheng T, Zhang L. Does re-emergence of genetic clones at cancer sites predict recurrence? Annual Meeting of the International Association of Dental Research, 1999. (Abstract #2763). J Dent Res 1999;78:451.
- Cramer CK, Epstein JB, Schechter MT, Sheps SB, Busser JR. Delphi-Derived Factors for a Decision Analysis to Minimize Osteoradionecrosis. Annual Meeting of the International Association of Dental Research, 1999. (Abstract#11). J Dent Res 1999;78:107.
- Cramer CK, Schechter MT, Busser JR, Sheps SB, Epstein JB. Delphi Approach for Complex Clinical Problems, Decision Analysis and Research. Annual Meeting of the International Association of Dental Research, 1999. (Abstract #146). J Dent Res 1999;78:124.
- Feldman RS, Epstein JB, Mooney JW, Bainbridge TC, Parks L. Toluidine Blue O as an Oral Cancer Diagnostic Aid. Annual Meeting of the International Association of Dental Research, 1999. (Abstract #822). J Dent Res 1999;78:208.
- Caldwell J,Black G, Epstein JB. The Utility of panoramic Imaging in Evaluation of Patients with TMD. 53rd Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Oral Medicine (Abstract). Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1999; 87(4):457.
- Epstein JB, Schubert MM, Peterson DE. Routine dental diagnostic imaging in hematopoietic cell transplantation. (Letter) Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 1999;88(4):376-377.
- Feldman RS, Mooney JW, Epstein J, Bainbridge TC, Allaire N. Trial of toluidine blue as an oral cancer diagnostic aid (VAMC, SDM, UPENN, Phila, PA). Program book, AAAS Annual Meeting in Science Innovation Exposition 165th National Meeting, A78, 1999.
- Hancock PJ, Epstein JB, Watson K. Candidiasis during bone marrow transplantation: an outcome based analysis. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol (abstract). April 2000: 444.
- Rosin, MP, Cheng,,X Poh CF, Epstein JB, Berean K, Durham S, Hay,J, Morris M, Zeng T, Liu X, Zhang L. Re-emergence of genetic clones at sites of previous oral cancer: does this predict tumor recurrence? Cancer Res. 2000: 41: 811. (Abstract #5147).
- Zhang L, Poh C.F, Cheng X, Epstein JB, Priddy R, Berean K., Lam W.L. Lovas J, Nakamura H, Rosin MP. Recurrence/progression of oral premalignancies after removal: removal futile or removal inadequate? Cancer Res 2000; 41: 689 (Abstract #4384).
- Warkentin D, Epstein J, Yip J, Campbell L, Cox V, Gore J, Barnett M, Marra F. A prospective, randomized clinical trial of valacyclovir vs. acyclovir in the prevention of mucocutaneous herpes simplex virus infections in neutropenic patients. Blood 2000;96:188a(#806).
- Rosin MP, Poh CF, Lam WL, Cheng X, Epstein J, Berean K, Durham S, Hay J, Morris M, Zeng T, Liu X,Le ND, Zhang L. Allelic loss in leukoplakia at former cancer site predicts recurrence. J Dent Res 2001;80:139 (Abst 831).
- Zhang L, Poh CF, Lam W, Epstein J, Cheng X, Zhang X, Priddy R, Lovas J, Le ND, Quiao F, Xie L, Rosin MP. Leukoplakia with high-risk genotype are inadequately treated. A molecular analysis. J Dent Res 2001;80:224 (Abst 1512).
- Poh CF, Zhang L, Lam W, Zhang X, Epstein J, An D, Chau C, Priddy R, Liu M, Nakamura H, Rosin MP. Loss of heterozygosity, a sign of premalignancy in verrucous lesions. J Dent Res 2001;80:225 (Abst 1513).
- Epstein JB. Direct supportive care for the benefit of patients with pre and postoperative radiotherapy/chemotherapy. Oral Oncol 2001; 37 (Suppl 1): s10.
- Epstein JB, Zhang L, Boulos Y, Berean K, Barnett M, Nantel S, Rosin M. Oral squamous cell carcinoma in transplant recipients: Loss of heterozygosity of putative tumor suppressor genes. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2001:91:413-4.
- Fischer DJ, Schwartz SM, Epstein JB, Morton T. Interobserver reliability measures in intra-oral pathology specimens. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2002;93:412.
- Epstein JB, Gorsky M. A topical antifungal medication in immunocompromised patients. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2003;95:381-2
- Williams M, Hovan A, Epstein J, Zhang L, Rosin M. The presence of leukoplakia at a previous cancer site is predictive of tumor recurrence. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2003;95:424.
- Epstein JB. Oropharyngeal candida colonization and infection in neutropenic patients with hematologic malignancies. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2004;97:138.
- Mehta S, Epstein J. Atypical facial pain can be further classified for clarity of diagnosis. Nerve Damage and Neuropathic Trigeminal Pain Program p 10, May 4, 5, 2004.
- Fischer DJ, Schwartz SM, Epstein JB, Morton TH. Histopathologic comparison of intraoral premalignant/malignant lesions and adjacent clnically normal specimens. J Dent Res 2005;64: Abst 2471.
- Gorsky M, Epstein JB, Nasrallah W. Topical fluconazole treatment for oral candidiasis. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2005;99(4):424.
- Ching V, Grushka M, Epstein JB, Gorsky M. retrospective study: Clinical presentation and MRI results of TMD patients with and without history of MVA. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2005;99(4):444.
- Epstein JD, Epstein JB, Epstein MS, Oien HJ, Truelove EL. Survival analysis of pain relief provided by doxepin oral rinse for oral mucositis patients. J Int Soc Pharmacoecon Outcome Res 2005; 8(3):344.
- Greene CS, Klasser GD, Epstein JB. Observations questioned. J Am Dent Assoc 2005;136:856-8.
- Epstein JD, Knight T, Epstein JB, Bride M, Nichol M. Evaluating the cost of care for early and late stage oropharyngeal cancer in the California Medicaid population. ISPOR Jan 2006.
- Sroussi HY, Sonna T, Alves MCF, Mendez OA, Epstein JB, Alves MEAF. Oral Lesions in HIV+ from the UIC Ryan White Clinic. 35th Annual Meeting of AADR 2006 Orlando, Florida
- Epstein JD, Knight TK, Epstein JB, Bride M, Nichol MB. Evaluating the cost of care for early and late stage oropharyngeal cancer in the California Medicaid population. Value in Health 2006;9(3):A109.
- Epstein JB, Beaumont J, Cella D, Bellm L, Trotti A, Gwede C, Isitt J. Preliminary results of the validation of a patient self-administered questionnaire (Oral Mucositis Weekly Questionnaire-Head and Neck [OMWQ-HN]) to assess the impact of OM on pain and functioning in head and neck cancer (HNC). Am Soc Clin Oncol Abst 5548, 2006. J Clin Oncol 2006;24:18s:292s.
- Isitt J, Murphy BA, Beaumont JL, Garden AS, Gwede DK, Trotti A, Meredith RT, Epstein JB, Le QT, Brizel DM, Bellm LA, Wells N, Cella D. Oral mucositis (OM) related morbidity and resource utilization in a prospective study of head and neck cancer (HNC) patients. Am Soc Clin Oncol Abst 5539, 2006. J Clin Oncol 2006; 24: 18s:289s.
- Chambers MS, Welsh DV, Scrimger RA, Zehn W, Epstein JB, Troha JM, Sonis ST. RK-0202 for radiation-induced oral mucositis. (Abst 5523) Am Soc Clin Oncol June,2006 J Clin Oncol 2006; 24: 18s:285s.
- Murphy BA, Beaumont JL, Isitt J, Garden AS, Meredith FR, Cella D, Gwede CK, Trotti A, Epstein JB, Le Q-T, Brizel DM, Bellm LA, Wells N. Patient-reported mouth and throat soreness (MTS) and medical resource use in a prospective observational study of head and neck cancer (HNC) patients. Support Care Cancer 2006;14(6) (Abst 16-106):635-6.
- Elting L, Isitt J, Murphy BA, Garden AS, Gwede CK, Trotti A, Merideth RF, Epstein JB, Mayne T, Le Q-T, and the OM Study Group (Brizel DM, Bellm LA, Beaumont JL, Wells N, Cella D). Retrospective and prospective studies of the severity of oral mucositis (OM) in intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) compared to conventional radiation therapy in head and neck cancer (HNC) patients (Abst 2428). American Society for Therapeutic Radiation and Oncology (ASTRO), Philadelphia PA, Nov 7, 2006
- Epstein JB, Epstein JD, Silverman S Jr, Lonky SA, Bride MA. Analysis of oral mucosal biopsies identified and evaluated by visual examination, chemiluminescence and toluidine blue. Multidisciplinary Head and Neck Symposium. ASCO, ASTRO, AHNS 2007; Abstract 12, p 101.
- Barasch A, Epstein J. Reply to letter to the editor by L. Cerchietti, Morphine mouthwash for painful mucositis regarding our publication “Antimicrobials, mucosal coating agents, anesthetics, analgesics and nutritional supplements for alimentary tract mucositis. Support Care Cancer 2007;15(1):117.
- Wilder-Smith P, Hammer-Wilson MJ, Zhang J, Wang Q, Osann K, Chen Z, Wigdor H, Schwartz J, Epstein J. In-vivo imaging of oral mucositis in an animal model. J Dent Res 2007; Abst 2091
- Epstein JB. Orofacial pain in cancer patients. Oral Oncol 2007; 2(1) 50-1.
- Sroussi H, Epstein J. Comparing antibiotic prophylaxis guidelines for infective endocarditis. J Canad Dent Assoc 2008;74:13.
- Epstein J, Gorsky M, Elad S. Premalignant lesions. J Am Dent Assoc 2008;139(4):396-8.
- Feldman LE, Agulnik M, Salama J, Ortiz R, Yao M, Pytynia K, Epstein JB, Reisberg D, Minn A, Mundt A. Phase I study of induction chemotherapy followed by intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), accelerated fractionation (AF), simultaneous integrated boost (SIB), and concomitant high dose cisplatin for locally-advanced head and neck cancer (LAHNC). J Clin Oncol 2008; 26(15S): Abstract ID: 6073, ASCO June 2008
- Epstein JB, Osann K, Wilson M, Pharar J, Kawakami-Wong H, Wilder-Smith PW. Photo-detection and photo-destruction of oral neoplasia in an animal model. J Clin Oncol 2008;26: (15S); Abstract ID 17025, ASCO June 2008
- Gordon SA, Villines D, Epstein JB, Epstein JD. North American oral pathology practice: A survey. Am Acad Oral Maxillofac Pathol. June 2008.
- Nair R, Chan G, Ithagarun A, Lie A, Epstein J. Oral complications and correlation with haematological events amongst adult cancer patients. Supp Care Cancer 2008;16:675-6.
- Gordon SC, Villines D, Epstein JB, Epstein JD. The diagnosis of squamous neoplasia in oral pathology practice: a survey. Final Program, Abstracts, 7th International Conference on Head and Neck Cancer 2008; Abstract #98, page 241, July 2008.
- Epstein JB, Wilkie DJ, Villines D, Yo K, Yao M, Pytynia K. Pain in head and neck cancer patients during radiation therapy. Final Program, Abstracts, 7th International Conference on Head and Neck Cancer 2008; Abstract #226, page 272, July 2008.
- Wilder-Smith P, Wilson M, Pharar J, Kawakami-Wong H, Osann K, Epstein JB. Photodetection and eradication of oral neoplasia in an animal model. Final Program, Abstracts, 7th International Conference on
Head and Neck Cancer 2008; Abstract #344, pages 301-2. - Patton LL, Epstein JB, Kerr AR. Cancer Screening. J Am Dent Assoc 2008;139:1306-8.
- Isitt J, Murphy BA, Beaumont JL, Bellm L, Epstein JB, et al. Oral mucositis (OM) related morbidity and resource utilization in a prospective study of head and neck cancer (HNC) patients. J Clin Oncol. 2006;24(18 suppl):5539.
- Patton LL, Epstein JB, Kerr AR. Oral Cancer Examination. J am Dent Assoc 2008;139:1448-9.
- Epstein JB. Important oncology updates for dental professionals. Apex Vol 1(2): 6
http://edition.pagesuite- professional.co.uk/Launch.aspx?referral=mypagesuite&pnum=&refresh=G0o72W1fY0p4&E ID=20eaa986-d29d-44f3-8734-bc6cc3dace8c&skip accessed Mar 12, 2009 - Cheng K K-F, Lee, V, Yuen HL, Li R, Epstein J. Oral mucositis in children: incidence, oral function
and quality of life. Support Care Cancer 2009; 17(7):906-7. - Epstein JB. Statement in: Innovative Technologies and Treatmens Helping Veterans. Hearing before
the Committee on Verterans’ Affairs US House of Representatives May 13, 2009; Serial No. 111-18 P 77-8. - Napenas J, Lockhart P, Epstein J. antibiotic prophylaxis-clarification. J Canad Dent Assoc 2009;75:
685. - Guneri P, Epstein JB. The need to reassess studies on detection of potentially premalignant and malignant oral lesions. Oral Oncology 2010; 46(1): e2-e3
- Fischer DJ, Kim Y, Shah BK, Epstein JB, Feldman LE, Pytynia K, Wilkie DJ. Relationships between radiotherapy and pain in patients undergoing head and neck cancer treatment. Multidisciplinary Head and Neck Cancer Symposium. ASCO, ASTRO, Am Head and Neck Society, Chandler AZ Abst 16, 50-1.
- LeHew CW, Epstein JB, Gordon SC, Kaste LM. Oral cancer examinations and education: what’s
known about the professional side? National Oral Health Conference St Louis, MO. April 26,2010. - Shah BK, Feldman L, Fischer DJ, Epstein JB, Kim YO, Pytynia K, Wilkie DJ. Pain in head and neck cancer: is it different by primary site or stage of cancer. Multidisciplinary Head and Neck Cancer Symposium. ASCO, ASTRO, Am Head and Neck Society, Chandler AZ Abst 16, 50-1.
- Stapleton SJ, Wilkie DJ, Epstein JB, Gallo a, Holden J, Robinson FP, Wang E. Symptom Clusters in the Hospice/Palliative Care Setting. Midwest Nursing Research Society’s Annual Research Conference, Kansas City, MO, April 10, 2010.
- Cooperstein E, Epstein JB, Murphy BA, Dietrich MS, Gilbert J. Vanderbilt head and neck symptom
survey version 2.0 (VHNSS 2.0): A tool for study of long-term oral health consequences of therapy for
head and neck cancer (HNC). ASCO 2010; J Clin Oncol 28:15s Abstr 9055, p 649s. - Fischer DJ, Kim YO, Epstein JB, Feldman LA, Wilkie DJ. Relationships between cognitive and
sensory pain and affect in patients undergoing head and neck cancer treatment. Amer Head Neck Soc
Research Mtg, Bethesda Md, Oct 2010. - Hitz T, Meier ML, Hämmerle CH, Epstein JB, Ettlin DA. Longitudinal Quantitative Sensory Testing
of Intraoral Wounds. MASCC Annual Meeting, Abstract 297, Vancouver, June 2010. - Ettlin D, Hitz T, Ramel C, Meier M, Gallo L, Ioannidis A, Epstein J, Hammerle C. Quantitative
Sensory testing of intraoral wounds. 2010 IADR Mtg, Barcelona, Spain, Abstract 246, July 14-17th - Fischer DJ, Epstein JB, Wilkie DJ. Oral conditions in cancer Patients at their end of life. 2010 IADR
Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, Abstract 4945, July 14-17th - Fischer DJ, Kim Y-O, Epstein JB, Wilkie DJ. Relationships between cognitive and sensory pain and
affect in patients undergoing head and neck cancer treatment. AHNS 2010 Research Workshop;
Abstract 31317, Oct 28-30, 2010 - Alterovitz G, Tuthill CW, Modelska K, Rios I, Epstein J, Sonis ST. SCV-07 Treatment leads to
alteration in VEGF, MIF, IL-1alpha, and MIP-1beta levels in patients with head and neck cancer. Am
Assoc Cancer Res, Molecular Diagnostics in Cancer Therapeutic Development. Denver, CO, Sept 27 – 30). - Greene CS, Klasser GD, Epstein JB. Updated statement on TMDs. 2010;76(6): 336-8.
- Patton L, Epstein J B, Musaji D, Attali P. Efficacy of Miconazole Buccal Tablet in Severe Oropharyngeal Candidiasis. Amer Acad Oral Med Annual Mtg, Puerto Rico, Apr 2011.
- Modelska K, Adkins D, Suen J, Pathare P, Schultz C, Hu K, Epstein J, Zhen W, Tuthill C, Rios I, Sonis S, SCV-07 Cli nical Trials Study Team. Development of Glutamyl-L-Tryptophan (SCV-07) for the treatment of oral mucositis (OM). Support Care Cancer 2011; 19(Suppl 2) Abst 247, P: s154
- Cheng K-F, Lee, V, Li RC-H, Yuen HL, Epstein JB. Oral mucositis in paediatric patients undergoing chemotherapy: Impact of oral function status on quality of life. Support Care Cancer 2011; 19(Suppl 2) Abst 527, P: s246.
- Boers-Doets CB, Epstein JB, Raber-Durlacher J, Ouewerk J, Lacoutoure ME, Gelderbloom H. Oral lesions associated with tyrosine-kinase and mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitors in renal cell carcinoma: case report and literature review. Support Care Cancer 2011; 19(Suppl 2) Abst 715, P: s313.
- Patton LL, Epstein JB, Musaji N, Attali P. Efficacy of miconazole buccal tablet in severe oropharyngeal candidiasis. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2011;112(6):e131
- Epstein J, Huhmann M. Dietary and nutritional needs of patients undergoing therapy for head and neck cancer Authors Response. J am Dent Assoc 2012;143(2):107.
- Epstein JB. Osteoclast inhibitors and osteonecrosis of the jaw. Tower Oncology Newsletter 56:2, March 2012.
- Clevelamd JL. Junger ML, Sariaya M, Markowitz LE, Dunne EF, Epstein JB. HPV and oral health: Response from Dr. Cleveland and colleagues. JADA 2012;143(5):440-2.
- Califano JA, Epstein JB, Feldman L et al. A phase II trial of cetuximab in high-risk premalignant lesions of the upper aerodigestive tract. J Clin Oncol 2012;30(suppl):p363s (Abst #5528).
- Cheng KKF, Lee V, Li CH, Yuen HL, Ip WY, Epstein JB. Oral mucositis daily questionnaire for older child and adolescent receiving chemotherapy: psychometric evaluation. Support Care Cancer 2012;20(Suppl1): S39.
- Cheng KKF, Lee V, Li CH, Yuen HL, Ip WY, Epstein JB. Impact of oral mucositis on clinical outcomes in pediatric and adolexcent patients undergoing chemotherapy. Support Care Cancer 2012;20(Suppl1): S45.
- Berano-Teh J, Sun C-L, Wilczynski S, Epstein J, Spielberger R, Maghami E, Landier W, Francisco L, Armenian SH, Wong L, Forman SL, Bhatia S. Human papillomavirus (HPV)-attributable subsequent neoplasms (SNs) after hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT)-a potentially preventable outcome. 54th ASH Annual Meeting Dec 10, 2012. Abst#605 (https:// ash.confex.com/ash/2012/webprogram/Paper48506.html)
- Epstein JB, Guneri P, Abt E. Oral examination: authors’ response. J Am Dent Assoc 2013;144(4):354-6.
- Guneri P, Epstein JB, Cankaya H, Boyacioglu H. Patient reported outcomes to predict orodental treatment needs. 4th World Congress of the International Academy of Oral Oncology, Rhodes, Greece May 16, 2013. Abst PP001.
- Alpoz E, Guneri P, Epstein JB, Osmic D, Cankaya H, Boyacioglu H. Turkish dental students knowledge on oral cancer treatment modalities. 4th World Congress of the International Academy of Oral Oncology, Rhodes, Greece May 16, 2013. Abst PP006.
- Kolnick L, Deng J, Epstein JB, Migliorati CA, Rezk J, Dietrich MS, Murphy BA. Validation of late oral health outcomes; an oral health subscale of the Vanderbilt Head and Neck Symptom Survey in post-radiation therapy head and neck cancer patients. J Clin Oncol 2013;31(Suppl); Abst 6040.
- Boers-Doets CB, Gelderblom H, Epstein JB, Lacouture ME, Kaptein AA. Simultaneous assessment of targeted anticancer therapy-associated mucocutaneous adverse events. J Clin Oncol 2013;31 (Suppl); Abst e20669.
- Deng J, Epstein JB, Murphy BA, Kolnick L. Validation of late oral health outcomes, an oral health subscale of the Vanderbilt Head and Neck Symptom Survey in post-radiotherapy head and neck cancer patients. Support Care Cancer 2013;21(Suppl 1): S64, Abst #0149.
- Epstein J, Raber-Durlacher J, Yurikusa T, Soga Y. Dr. Yojiro Ota. Support Care Cancer 2013;21(11):2951-2.
- Klasser GD, Pinto A, Epstein J. Burning mouth syndrome. Authors response. J Am Dent Assoc 2014;145(1):19.
- Jackson LK, Epstein JB, Migliorati CA, Rezk J, Shintaku WH, Noujeim ME, Santos-Silva AR, Dietrich MS, Murphy BA. Development of tools for the oral health and panoramic radiographic evaluation of head and neck cancer pateints: A methodologic study. J Support Care Cancer 2014; 22 (Suppl 1): S47 Abst #MASCC-0123.
- Carroll JD, Barasch A, Dominiquez JA, Epstein JB, Nair RG, Raber-Durlacher JE, Bensadoun RJ. Low level laser treatemnt for the management of oral mucositis: Mechanisms of action, irradiation praameteres and dose. J Support Care Cancer 2014; 22 (Suppl 1):S85, Abst #MASCC-0617.
- Barasch A, Epstein JB, Raber-Durlacher JB. Effects of pre-radiation exposure to soft laser of normal and malignant cells. J Support Care Cancer 2014; 22 (Suppl 1):s89, Abst#MASCC0072
- Arold SP, Tsui J, Ajdaharian J, Lyng GD, Hameroff J, Epstein JB, Wilder-Smith P, Sonis ST. Ultramulsion mitigates radiation-induced mucosal dehydration and salivary hypofunction. Int Assoc Dent Res 2015, Boston MA, Abst #3083.
- Osazuwa-Peters N, Boakye EA, Mohammed KA, Epstein JB, Tomar SL, Varvares MA. Quality of physician communication about HPV Vaccine-Letter. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2016 Feb 10;doi:10.1158/1055-9965.
- Epstein JB. Support oral cancer awareness this month. www.dentistrytoday.com/news/todays-dental-news/item/850-support-oral-cancer-awareness-this -month?tmpl=component&primt=1. Apr 5, 2016, pp1-4
- Carroll J, Barasch A, Raber-Durlacher Arnabat Dominguez J, Epstein J, Raj N, Bensadoun RJ. Low level laser treatment for the management of oral mucositis: Mechanisms of action, irradiation parameters and dose. Support Care Cancer 2016; eP118. 181-2
- Ozcaka O, Epstein JB, Guneri P. Inflammation in the assessment of cytokines in oral squamous cell carcinoma diagnosis. Oral Oncology 2017;71:96-8. 31-2
- Saunders D, Epstein J. Should patients receive periodontal care while undergoing cancer treatmetn? CDA Essentials 2017(3):31-2
- Barasch A, Epstein JB, Raber-Durlacher J, Arany P, Carroll J. Photobiomodulation effects on squamous cell carcinoma in an orthotopic animal model of squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity. Support Care Cancer MASCC Annual meeting 2018
- Nicolatou-Galitis N, Kouri M, Papadopoulou E, Galiti D, Epstein J, Elad S, Campisi G, Tspiukalas N, Bektas-Kayhan K, Tan W, Body J-J, Migliorati C, Lalla. Osteonecrosis of the jaw related to non-respotive medications/therapies: A systematic Review. Support Care Cancer MASCC Annual meeting 2018
- Boers-Doets, CB, Smith DK, Epstein JB. Multicenter randomized bouble-blind crossover trial of supersaturated calcium-phosphate rinse versus NaCl in the management of trageted anticancer therapy-associated oral complaints: COMTT trial (NCT01265810. Support Care Cancer MASCC Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA 2019
- Ortiz-Brugues A, Sibaud V, Epstein JB, Harbault-Barres B, Gomez-Roca C, Betrian S, Korakis I, de Bataille C, Vigaros E. Sicca Syndrome induced by immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy: clinicopatholgical characterization and proposal for manaement. Support Care Cancer MASCC Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA 2019
- Chmieliauskaite M, Miller CS, Klasser G, Epstein JB, Stelson E. Reconsideration of the nomenclature and disease definiation of burning mouth syndome: an intenational Delphi Survey. American Academy of Oral Medicine, Annual Meeting 2020
- Epstein J. Neurosensory disorders. pp1-3. American Head and Neck Society Cancer Survivorship-Patient Education on Post-treatment Care. www.ahns.info/survivorship_intro/neruosensory-disorders/ February 2020.
- Epstein JB, Touger-Decker R, Ganzer H. Change in taste/flavor and nutrition. pp1-3. American Head and Neck Society Cancer Survivorship-Patient Education on Post-treatment Care. American Head and Neck Society AHNS Survivorship.www:ahns.info/survivorship_intro/neruosensory-disorders/ February 2020.
- Epstein JB, Villines D, Epstein GL, Smutzer G. Patient reported outcomes, oral health, taste and dietary impact during and Following Head and Neck Cancer Therapy. Multidisciplinary Head and Neck Cancer Symposium. (#HNCS20) Scottsdale, AZ February 27, 2020.
- Kaaurak Fontes E, Santos-Silva AR, Epstein JB. Exraoral photobiomoduation therapy for oral mucositis In oral and oropharyngeal cancer patients: interim analysis of a randomized clinical trial. Multinational Association for Supportive Care in Cancer. June 2021
- Elad S, Schmelz R, Wagner E, Bosi A, Babatz J, Meyer R, Shapi M, Heim D, Koldehoff M, Shaefer-Eckat S, Greinix H, Kobbe, Jebavy L, Meiller TF, Epstein J, Mohrbacher R, Greinwald R, Wolff D, Double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled multi-center phase III study followed by open-label phase on the efficacy and tolerabliity of budesonide in patients with resistant oral cahroinc GVHD: Part 1-efficacy analysis. Am Acad Oral Medicine Annual Meeting 2022.
- Elad S, Schmelz R, Wagner E, Bosi A, Babatz J, Meyer R, Shapi M, Heim D, Koldehoff M, Shaefer-Eckat S, Greinix H, Kobbe, Jebavy L, Meiller TF, Epstein J, Mohrbacher R, Greinwald R, Wolff D, Double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled multi-center phase III study followed by open-label phase on the efficacy and tolerabliity of budesonide in patients with resistant oral cahroinc GVHD: Part 2-Pain, subjective measures and and safety analysis. Am Acad Oral Medicine Annual Meeting 2022.
- Chmieliauskaite M, Stetson, Epstein JB, Klasser GD, Farag A, Carey B, Albuquerque R, Mejia L, Ariyawardana A, Nasri-Heir C, Sardella A, Carison C, Miller CS. Renaming burning mouth syndrome: Implications and use for the Resaarch Diagnostic Criteria for Burning Mouth Syndrome: Reply to Currie et al. Pain 2022; 163(5):e692-3.
- Chmieliauskaite M, Stelson EA, Epstein JB, Klasser GD, Farag A, Carey B, Albuquesque R, Mejia L, Ariyawardana A, Nasri-Heir C, Sardella A, Carlson C, Miller C. Reply to Currie et al. Pain 2022; May 1;163(5):e692-3. Doi: 10.1097/j.pain.00000000002562.
- Satheeshkumar PS, Sonis ST, Epstein JB, Boakye EA, Pili R. Racial and income characteristics and burden of illness among metastatic prostate cancer patients. ASCO 2023 Abst e17604, #423578
- Wang Y, Ryan-Wolf J, Allsop M, Schofield P, van Sebile Y, Epstein J, Walraven I, Rapoport B, Thong M, Howell D, van den Jurk C. Patient-reported symptom monitoring: Guidance to improve supportive care at the mirro, meso and macro level. Results of a MASCC Workhsop. MASCC/JASCC/ISOO 2023 Meeting June 22, 2023.168.
- Satheeshkumar, PS, Sonis ST, Epstein J, Hoham M, Wardill J, Pili R. Machine learning models predict cachexia among solid, non-solid cancers, and non-cancer patients. MASCC/JASCC/ISOO 2023 Meeting June 23, 2023.
- van den Hurk C, Brusse M, Burbage D, Calamac M, Capela A, Coolbrandt A, Chan R, Eicher M, Elshot Y, Epstein J, Kotronoulas G, Kuper-Hommel M, Pappot H, Ryan-wolf J, Scholfield P, van Sebille Y, Walraven I. Standardisation of symptom monitoring methods required to improve collaboration in MASCC Symptom project. MASCC/JASCC/ISOO 2023 Meeting June 23, 2023.
- Marques NP, Perex-de-Oliveria ME, Costa Normando AG, Teixeira Marques NC, Epstein JB, Migliorati CA, Martelli-Junior H, Prado Ribeiro AC, Rocha AC, Brandao TB, Villanueva Sanchez FG, Monterio Gureros LA, Ajudatre Lopes M, Santos-Silva AR. Corrigendum to “Clinical outcomes of dental implants in head and neck cancer pateints: An overview”. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 2023 Jul 27:S212-4403(23)00559-. doi:10.1016/j.oooo.2023.07.014
- Kauark-Fontes E, Migliorati CA, Epstein JB, Bensadoun RJ, Gueiros LAM,Carroll J, Ramalho LMP, Santos-Silva AR. Corrigendum to “Twenty-year analysis of clinical studies of photobiomodulation for oral mucosisits: a scoping review”. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 2023; S2212-4403(23)00514-X. doi:10.1016/j.oooo2023.06.007.
- Eichhorn S, Pili R, Epstein JB, Haniff S, Panginikkode S, Mohan MP, Sathesshkumar PS Stem cell transplant cancer patients experiencing oral mucositis is associated with infectious comlications: Systematic review and meta-analysis. MASCC Annual Meeting 2024
- Mohan MP, Pili R, Epstein JB, Gopalakrishnan V, Panginikkode S, Eichorn S, Alani N, Satheeshkumar PS. Hospitalized cancer patients with opiod-dependency associated with increased burden of illness, depressive disorders and septicemia. MASCC Annual Meeting 2024.
- Satheeshkumar PS, Mohan MP, Sonis S, Epstein JB, Pili R. Toxicity cluster-complexity reduction and approximation througt non-linear principal comlonent analysis with multivariate analysis with optimal scaling. MASCC Annual Meeting 2024.
- Satheeshkumar PS. Mohan MP, Sonis ST, Epstein JB, Wardill H, Kurunthatil Thazhe SB, Sukumar R, Gopalakrishnan V, Panginikkode S, Pili R. Employing explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) to predict cachexia among patients with pancreatic or oral cavity cancers. MASCC Annual Meeting 2024
- Mohan M, Epstein JB, Alam N, Haniff S, Pili R, Kumar S, The integration of big data analytics in examining the effects of mentlillness screening on mortality and burder of illness among cancer patients. ASCO 2024
- Kumar S, Epstein JB, Mohan M, Alam N, Pili R. Poor SDOH-homelessness and problem-related living-alone was associated wth greater opioid usage, emergency admission, anxiety, depression, and longer hospital stays. ASCO 2024.
- Kumar S, Mohan M, Epstein JB, Pili R. Employing machine learning (ML) and eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) to predict and explain suicidal ideation among prostate cancer patients. ASCO 2024
- Anand S, Visser A, Epstein JB, Jalovcic D. Necessity and influerncing factors for integrating oral health in cancer care for older people. MASCC Annual Meeting 2024.
- Wardill H, Mohan MP, Sonis S, Epstein J, Thaze SBK, Sukumar R, Panginikkode S, Gopalakrishnan V, Pili R, Kumar, S. Employing artificial intelligence (XAI) to predict cachexia among patients with pancreatic and oral cavity cancers. MASCC Annual Meeting 2024.
- Abdalla-Aslan R, Bonomo P, Keefe D, Blijlevens N, Cao K, Cheung YT, Fregnani ER, Miller R, Raber-Durlacher J, Epstein J, van Sebille Y, Kauark-Fontes E, Kandwal A, McCurdy Franks E, Finkelsten J, McCarvell V, Zadik Y, Ottaviani G, Mendes R, Speksnijder CM, Wardill HR, Bossi P. Guidance on mucositis assessment from the MASCC Mucositis Study Group and ISOO: an international Delphi Study. MASCC Annual Meeting 2024.